How to play

Help the cultists reach nirvana!

A for the yellow lane
S for the blue lane
K for the green lane
L for the red lane.

Do you have G'roov? Test your skills in this rhythm game and help the cultists transcend their unholy flesh. Press Enter (Return on Mac) to pause the game and Shift Enter (Shift Return on Mac) to resume.

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The Ritual

In an insane ritual fest, cultists throw themselves off a cliff for the glory and satisfaction of the ol' mighty G'roov. Through an epic sound, they go out in style doing acrobatic stunts to the rhythm of the maestro's baton.

Cultists will emerge from the left of the screen and will run towards the edge of the cliff in search of glory! If you jump too soon, you'll fall flat on your face and if you jump too late your stunt won't be up lord G'roovs unnatural taste.


Points are awarded on how close you press the proper keys on each note. Wicked and Great earn you combo points and help maintain your multiplier. On a Louzy jump you'll still be awarded points, but the multiplier meter will reset and you'll make the illustrious G'roov unsatisfied with your efforts.

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